
Our prices are set based on the individual stylists’ hourly rate plus colour product charge.

We have gender neutral pricing meaning prices vary and are determined based on time and complexity of service and are at the discretion of the stylist. Thickness and length of hair, and amount of product needed, will affect the time required as well as the cost.

Hair colour product is weighed and measured for each client and is charged on top of the hourly service rates. 

Please book a free 15 min consultation if unsure of timing, cost, or required booking, for your desired look. It is also recommended for any new or existing client who desires a big change to book a free 15 minute consultation before reserving a colour appointment over 3 hours. 

Also, please note that not all stylists do all services, services available from each stylist will be available on the online booking system.


15 mins- $15 +   (fringe trim)

30 mins- $35 +   (children’s cut, quick buzz)

45 mins- $45 +   (clipper sides and back, scissor cut on top)

60 mins- $60 +  (short/medium hair cut, no shampoo/blow dry)

75 mins- $75 +  (shampoo, haircut, blow out)

90 mins- $90 +  (extra long, thick haircut, shampoo/blowout)

Deep Conditioning Treatments

Organic Colour Systems Aqua Boost- Conditioning Moisture Treatment


  • scalp and hair brushing
  • shampoo
  • scalp massage
  • treatment under heat (20mins)
  • rinse/blow out
    1 hr  $65 +

Organic Colour Systems ReVamp Protein and/or Power Build Strengthening Treatment


  • same process as above – with the addition of the ReVamp strengthening treatment for those requiring protein structure rebonding and extra strand strengthening.
    1 hr 15 mins  $75 +


$75/hour + (+ because of complexity/extra colour added/olaplex added)

Additional charge for Olaplex- extra bond protection when lightening fragile/chemically treated hair. (product is weighed for each client so cost will vary) 

$100-150/hour – Corrective Hair Colour Services

Services starting at:

  • Root touch up – $100+
  • Full colour – $100+
  • Highlights – $135+
  • Balayage – $190+
  • Corrective colour – $80/hr consultation required

Blow Outs

Shampoo/Blow Out

40 mins- short hair- $40 +

60 mins- long hair- $60 +

60-90 mins- long hair Special Occasion Up-dos $85 +

A consultation is recommended for special occasion up-dos and a trial run is recommended for weddings. 

Brow & Lash Tints 

15 mins Brow Tint- $20

25-30 mins Lash Tint- $30

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel or change your appointment please call the salon or email your stylist AT LEAST 48 hours before your scheduled appointment. If outside of salon hours, please email the stylist directly to cancel or change. Each stylist’s email addresses are in their bios on our website. You can also cancel or change your appointment from the manage appointment link in your appointment confirmation email.

Last-minute cancellations will be charged a cancellation fee of 50% of the total service charges at their next appointment.

No-shows will be charged a fee of the total amount of their missed appointment.

Please Note:

Due to a serious staff allergy, we ask that you kindly refrain from using any synthetic fragrances on the day of your hair appointment (such as conventional scented laundry soap, perfumes, sunscreens, and fabric softeners). 

Thank you in advance for helping to keep our commitment to clean air and a safe, non-toxic space.